Sunday, June 3, 2012


Anwen was born human, but became part of The Judgement when she married Conall, its king.  She is in tune with her instincts, and is fiercely loyal to those she accepts into her family.  Although she loves her brother, who is still human, her first loyalty is to The Judgement.  As queen, Anwen has the ability to pass Judgement on other members of The Judgement.  This will come into play in the second book of the series.  Anwen first met Conall as a young child.  She instinctively knew the correct way to greet him, using her little knife to nick her wrist, and offering it to the young Conall.  This is the traditional way for people to greet members of The Judgement, and for anybody to greet the king.  It symbolizes a show of good faith, and a willingness to submit to Judgement.  This is when Conall decided that he was going to marry Anwen.  Anwen has dark hair, gray eyes, and fair skin.  She is petite at 5'4, but a skilled huntress.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Welcome to The Judgement Series

I guess I had better start by explaining the idea for my story.  The Judgement refers to a group of beings who were made to be the judges over humans and supernaturals alike, when the different races lived side by side.  In order to make perfect judgments, they have the ability to drink another's blood, and through the blood understand the soul of that person, as well as the actions they have taken.  It is impossible to hide anything from them, and they are fast and strong, able to track down criminals and offenders who try to escape.  Those of The Judgement have no loyalties to the other races, but are devoted to those who have been wronged, as well as others of their own kind.  The first part of the story is about the King and Queen of The Judgement, and how they came to be the protectors and defenders of their race.  It also tells of the war that almost destroyed The Judgement, the sacrifice that ended the war, and the separation of the supernatural from the humans.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Welcome to my new blog!  I plan on working out a story I have been writing here.  Hope you like it!